We set the standard before
there was one.

Over a quarter century before the inception of A Framework for K–12 Science Education and NGSS, FOSS was applying research-based practices to engage students as scientists, challenging students to make sense of real-world phenomena as they learned how to solve problems. Today, FOSS embodies the three-dimensional learning the standards were made for — teaching not just rote knowledge, but scientific thinking.

Science and Engineering Practices

Scientists and engineers use these cognitive tools to answer questions and design solutions. Through these same practices, FOSS students gather evidence to explain real-world phenomena.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

FOSS students develop these grade-level appropriate building blocks throughout their investigations to make sense of their observations and solve problems.

Crosscutting Concepts

These ideas tie together the varied concepts and disciplines of science. FOSS students apply them to different situations, making connections and building understanding.

“FOSS is in harmony with both the intent and content of the NGSS… providing the resources necessary for effective student learning, including assessments that measure all three dimensions.”

Craig Gabler, Ph.D., Member, NGSS Writing Team

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